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Fire Sprinkler Systems

Why You Should Have Fire Sprinkler Systems in Your Home

Smoke detectors are crucial to alert homeowners in the event of smoke or fire. However, not many people have fire sprinkler systems installed in their homes, even though there are many reasons why you should. If you’re thinking about getting domestic fire sprinkler systems installed in your home, read on to learn more about why this is a wise choice.

Sprinklers Target Fire at the Source

When they’re properly installed, domestic fire sprinkler systems activate only over the area where a fire is detected. This means that the fire will get put out quickly and you won’t need to worry about water pouring all over the rest of your home. Only the sprinkler heads that are closest to the fire should be activated, saving the rest of your home from the troubles of water damage.

Heat Activates the Sprinklers

Fire sprinkler systems are actually activated when they sense heat, not by smoke. That means occasional smoke from your oven will not cause the sprinkler to start releasing water for no significant reason. Most fire sprinklers are activated within just 30-60 seconds and that’s much faster than it would take local firefighters to reach your home. A sprinkler can help minimize the damage from a fire, giving the fire department time to arrive and less fire to put out.

They’re Compact

When you install fire sprinklers in a residential building, they’re much smaller than those you see in a commercial space. These sprinklers can be installed in the ceilings or the wall, and new products feature sleek designs that blend right into the rest of your home. You can also conceal some sprinklers with a pendant or ceiling plate so that they’re hardly noticeable.

Sprinkler Systems Keep Your Family Safe

While a smoke alarm alerts you that a fire might be present, it does nothing to actually extinguish the fire. Working fire sprinklers will start to put the fire out as you make your escape to safety. The sooner the fire can be extinguished, the greater the odds are that your property and more importantly, your life, will be saved.

BCK Fire Sprinklers
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